General Technical Information
Here we have provided easy access to product certifications pertaining to many of the products carried by Washington Alloy. If you are unable to find the information you are seeking, please contact us today and we will be happy to assist you.
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Aluminum Selection Chart
Amount of Filler Metal Needed
Basic Mig Welding Data
Basic Steel Selection Size
Brazing Alloy Selection
Cast & Helix
Conversion Data
Copper Coating on 70S-6
Diameter Conversions
DFARS Compliance
Dodd-Frank Conflict Materials
Drive Roll Selection
Electrode AWS Classifications
Electrode Flyer
Electrode Selection Chart
ER70S-6E Copper Coated Mild Steel
Filler Metal Deposition Rate (LBS per Hour)
Flux Cored Weld Wire Storage
Filler Metal Storage
Hardness Conversion
Inches of Alloy per Pound
Conversion: Metric to Diameter
Inches of Brazing Alloys
ISO Certification
Metal ID by Spark
Nickel Parameters
ROHS Compliant Statement
Shelf Life
Shielding Gases
Skid Weights
Stainless Steel Parameters
Stainless Steel Selection
Stud Removal
Temperature Conversion
Titanium Parameters
Tungsten Current Range
Tungsten Electrodes Data 200
Horizontal Fillet Weld